How to improve ankle mobility
Do you have pain in your knee, hip or lower back. Check your ankle joint.
This is one of the most effects ways to fix your ankle joint.
Try to do it on the knee, as you’ll also get a stretch in your hip flexors on that side
Pushing your knee to the outside is great for patterning Supination in the foot, so stopping the flat foot.
How to improve pronation
Do you have flat feet?
When you stand on one leg does your weight fall inwards?
If so, this is very important to fix, as your Abductors won’t be functioning properly.
Unstable hips can cause a number of problems eg back pain
How to improve core strength by performing turkish get up correctly
One shoulder stronger than the other?
Lacking in core strength
Performing crunches are bad for posture, as it recreates the sitting pattern of flexion
This is a great all body exercise, and one of the most functional exercises you can do.